"This work by Dr. H. Danesh, a distinguished and experienced Psychiatrist and Educator, represents a novel way of understanding human life. Stimulated by the profound insights of the Bahá’í Faith, Dr. Danesh offers us a unique perspective on integrating two seemingly separate aspects of life: the spiritual and the everyday. While holding spiritual ideas in their loftiness and grandeur, he demonstrates, in practical terms, how they can become the power and force of individual, family, and collective life on the planet. I have no doubt that this book will become a basic resource for discourse in both the religious and secular worlds."
Dr. Brian S. Kirsh, MD, FRCPC Department of Psychiatry University of Toronto
“Dr. Danesh has given the world another wonderful book. “Unity” is one of the central themes of Unity of Faith and Reason in Action (along with peace and justice), and I admire the symmetry with which Dr. Danesh unifies scientific and logical thought with insights from spirituality and religion. The book is a “page-turner,” uplifting me emotionally, as well as encouraging my joyful reflection upon the beautiful ideas the book elucidates. Despite a heavy workload, I couldn’t put the book down.”
Dr. Rhett Diessner Professor of Psychology Lewis-Clark State College